Carnevale is a contemporary romantic adventure inspired by Shakespeare’s “Midsummer’s Night Dream”.
A young hipster American couple go to Venice during the time of Carnival, to party and experience the clash of old and new, and test their relationship, which leads to a quarrel and eventual split up.
Fate would have it that both individually meet one half of trendy Italian couple also temporarily estranged.
Through a series of mishaps our four college students become the owners of a stolen diamond mask that makes them the target of rock stars, crooks, the police and an assortment of eccentric local Venetians.
Each of the four lovers finds what was lacking in their former partners.
Romance and passion blossoms amid a festive mood where the line between reality and fantasy merges.
Eventually true love shines through and the couples re-unite, switch and rediscover their former mates.

Carnival in Venice, Masks. Italy